Monday, September 22, 2014

Back to the medieval landscape

Greetings everyone,
I took this down for awhile so i could work on my World War One aerial map layout. I managed to relocate the map so I could put this back up. I want to fine tune it to make this layout as real as possible. I took some shots capturing some of the detail in certain areas.


  1. Bonjour,

    Je suis époustouflée par ce magnifique travail que vous avez réalisé... J'ai regardé avec beaucoup d'intérêt chacune de vos photos. J'ai peine à croire que tout est miniature tant cela semble réel.
    Encore toutes mes félicitations.

    Gros bisous ♡

  2. Each picture is beautiful, realistic and inspired...congrats! Btw, the scaffoldings are my favourite details, simply stunning!

  3. Amazingly atmospheric! The little details just fill the scene. The rickety tumbril full of old straw, the scaffolding, the frost-heaved flagstones, the faded paint. Superb work!

  4. Fantastic! could be a film set - excellent ;)

  5. Love your models and also your pictures. The finish on the surface of the walls are outstanding.Very good indeed and very insirational.Keep up the good work!

  6. Fabulous modelling and excellent photography to boot!
