Sunday, June 17, 2012

Transforming a light house

Have you ever seen those stained glass light houses? The tacky ones you see in a gift shop? I found one in a box in the basement of my house, so I had to fix it. I don"t know if I'll use it, maybe somewhere in my Spanish village...havent decided yet, anyways heres the transformation. I covered the outside of it with grout, added a door and a window, spanish tiled the roof and tinted the windows orange.


  1. It looks great - the lighting is so soulful. Dean

  2. Very very nice! Lighting is really impressive, a great work!

  3. Absolutely wonderful! Bizarrely enough I was thinking about building a lighthouse the other day so now if I ever get around to it I'll know where to come for inspiration, thank you.

  4. That is brilliant! How can you "not" find a place for this. Too good not to use Captain.

  5. very good! nice novel idea there and a good use for a crapy product.

  6. Fantastic work and will look great on a coastal setting.

  7. brilliant ! and funny recycling: you have transformed a light into a light! genius idea!
